Aveo Tongue Stabilising Device Anti Snoring Device
The AveoTSD is a treatment for Problem Snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.
NEW IMPROVED DESIGN! The aveoTSD is a clinically proven treatment option for those who suffer from problem snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. The new design aveoTSD is 64% thinner than the previous model offering greater comfort and ease of use. Made from soft medical silicone.
The aveoTSD is made from a soft medical silicone for comfort and works by holding the tongue forward by gentle suction preventing it from falling back against the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep.
Developed following several years of clinical research in the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Unlike oral dental devices, the aveoTSD does not attach to the teeth, and does not require fitting by a health professional. The aveoTSD is a non-adjustable device that is the most cost effective and simple to use. AveoTSD has been clinically proven to treat mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnoea*
There is no money back guarantee. It is the patient's or user's responsibility to seek medical consultation to assist with using this device correctly.
What causes SNORING?
SNORING is caused by a narrowed airway during sleep. This can be due to large tonsils, a long soft palate or uvula, or, in people who are overweight, excessive flabby tissue with all those areas relaxing during sleep. Also nasal congestion from allergies or deformities of the cartilage between the two sides of the nose and other internal nasal structures, all contribute to a narrowing of the airway.
The most common cause of a narrowed airway is, however, a tongue muscle that relaxes too much during sleep and gets sucked back into the airway with each breath taken.
SNORING occurs because air travels faster through a narrow tube than through a broad one. This rapidly moving air causes the relaxed tissues of the throat (the tonsils, soft palate and uvula) to vibrate. It is this vibration which is the sound we know as SNORING.
By keeping the airway open, air travels slower, reducing the vibrations in the throat ? reducing or stopping SNORING .
One of the most effective ways to keep the airway open during sleep is by holding the tongue forward - keeping the airway open.
Is SNORING harmful?
New research suggests that loud SNORING can cause hypertension and as a result increased blood pressure during sleep.
SNORING can progress into a medical condition known as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNOEA ( OSA ) - the word apnoea is Greek for without breath, where the tongue is completely sucked against the back of the throat and breathing stops. This airway obstruction causes the heart rate to fall below normal with decreases in blood oxygen levels. The obstruction will not clear until the brain oxygen level falls low enough to partially awaken the sleeper with a release of adrenaline to prevent suffocation . The airway obstruction is usually broken with gasps taking in oxygen O2 and expelling excess carbon dioxide CO2. Due to the adrenaline release the heart rate is now increased above normal. These events may happen hundreds of times a night, not allowing deep restorative sleep, and causing reduced blood oxygen levels.
General Safety Information
- Always read the label. Use only as directed.
- Nutritional supplements may only be of assistance if the dietary intake is inadequate.
- Supplements should not be used to replace a healthy balanced diet and adequate physical exercise.
- Keep all medications and supplements out of reach of children.
- If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.