Summer is the season of family and friends gathering together, and with this the spread of covid. Stay protected this bbq season with vaccination from your friendly community pharmacy, accredited pharmacists can also assist those at most risk with supply of anti-viral medication paxlovid, with no prescription required from your Dr. Eligibility criteria applies.Read now
Be Sun Smart
Read nowIn New Zealand there is high levels of ultraviolet (U.V) radiation, this radiation can cause damage to to your skin and eyes. The best way to protect yourself and your family is by being sunsmart.
Slip, Slop, Slap, Wrap
From September to April protect yourself when you are outside
Head Lice and Nits
Read nowHead lice are tiny flat lice that live on the scalp. They measure only 2-3mm long and lay their eggs (Nits) on strands of hair. Head lice can appear white, black or grey in colour and live usually in the...
Scabies- contagious itchy skin rash
Read nowScabies is thought to be one of the oldest recognised diseases. It is a very contagious itchy rash that has been around in humans for more than 2500 years. It is caused by a barely visible parasitic mite Sarcoptes scabiei,...
Pregnancy – Tips for Women who are pregnant or trying to conceive
Read nowMost modern pregnancy tests can assess human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), which is the hormone produced by the placenta within 6 to 10 days of implantation of a fertilised egg. The level of this hormone increases rapidly, doubling every 1 to...
When sore throats get serious.
Read nowWe all get a sore throat from time to time and while they can be a bit painful, they’re not usually dangerous. Most sore throats get better on their own after about four days. But if a bacterial sore throat...
Allergies - 1 in 5 people can be affected!
Read nowAllergies- 1 in 5 people can be affected! Allergies are increasing and if they are untreated cause unnecessary suffering. Is this because they aren’t being assessed and recognised properly and is the severity being considered? We are suffering needlessly in...
Immunity and You!
Read nowHaving a strong Immune System gives you a stronger chance of fighting off colds and flu. Your Immune System does the job of keeping disease causing micro-organisms (viruses that cause colds and flu) from making you sick. When your Immune...
Read nowDermatitis is inflammation of the skin, it causes red itchy skin, crusty skin and can be blistered or swollen. It effects up to 20% of people at some stage during their life. Dermatitis is mostly split into two groups...